Torrential stops otks, Frogs, Infernities, even Sabers, and activates after a summon ANY summon, instead of requiring a battle phase, and smart players turn atk position mons they aren't attacking with to face-up def to avoid Mirror Force destruction. destroys all inferities summoned to start loop and synch into Mist Wurm and they have to wait.. Gets rid of Substitoad before it can get swap frog (hand) or ronintodin (grave) and sabers *often* cat or Boggart double x-saber to faultrols and more..
Trunade is not played because it is overkill, and the space is needed.
Would - a Vayu
Rai-Oh has been winning games along with Royal Oppression recently, I would normally say side all but maining 1-2 would be good right now.